【这次不止劫财了!】吉隆坡男子为保女友贞洁!被2名马来男匪徒划伤脸 !亲自写短文警惕民众!



大约一个星期前的晚上10时30分左右, 文良港著名购物商场入口处发生了一宗伤人抢劫案。一名男子,刘庭盛(Low Ting Sheng 译音)与女友在商场附近散步回家时,被2名马来籍男子阻挡了去路,马来男子还手持刀子及长形锁头挟持打抢。为了保命刘庭盛的女友立即把手机及财物全交出给 2名男子。原以为如此就可以保命逃离危险,可是万万没想到,两名马来男子竟然起了歹念, 一手把刘庭盛的女友推到在草丛里欲对她做出兽行。保护女友心切的刘庭盛立即向前阻止他们进一步对女友做出伤害。那名手持刀子的马来男子立即挥刀划向刘庭盛 的脸部。刘庭盛被刀子划破的伤口,从眼睛下的脸颊划过鼻子到人中约有5寸长,2寸深。眼见事态严重的两名匪徒立即逃之夭夭!





Please be careful when u are going out at night.
This happened around 1 week ago on the lakeside path near the setapak centre (aka festival city) little wok entrance.
Around 2230 night, 2 malay guys block the ways and ask to give all the valuable things which 1 handling knife while the other 1 handling forklock.
The knife cut through my face from the eye until the side of the cheek. Around 5 inch long and 2 inch deep according to medical report.
Please be aware that where you are walking around the Setapak centre, platinum walk or at the lakeside path. Many case has been happened at that area.

刘庭盛(Low Ting Sheng 译音)在事发后,立即前往吉隆坡中央医院接受缝合治疗,及向警方做出投报。目前,伤者已无大碍,他也希望能够藉此短文提醒民众在那区活动需多加小心,尤其是在拉曼学院就学的学生们。



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