


來自英國蘭開夏郡的這名28歲男子Sebastian David,擁有著一身標準結實、精壯有線條的身材,讓不少人看了可說是口水直流…

1不過在七個月前的他可不是擁有這般結實身材,而是挺著俗稱男人的財庫的鮪魚肚。 2當然羅馬不是一天造成的,由於壓力的關係讓Sebastian以吃垃圾食物宣洩煩躁。2013年,Sebastian的父親患重病,為了照顧父親又要忙於工作,可說是過著蠟燭兩頭燒的生活。為了排遣滿滿的壓力與悲傷心情,他開始以狂吃食物做為紓解情緒、排遣壓力。於是在短短的一個禮拜內,他可以吃掉140英鎊(約台幣6600元)的食物。 3從他嘴裡吃進了各種高熱量食物,比如說:培根、漢堡、炸雞、薯條、巧克力、洋芋片…等等,差不多一天要吃進約5000卡路里的食物,也因為這樣讓他的身材漸漸的像吹氣球般膨脹。

Please credit Cavendish/AndrewF.com hese amazing pictures show the transformation of a muscleman who went from bloated belly to bodybuilder in just seven months after ditching his £140-a-WEEK junk food habit. Sebastian David, 28, guzzled up to 5,000 calories each day in Greggs pasties, fry-ups and KFC chicken buckets while comfort eating to cope with his father's tragic diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease [MND] but the fire safety worker has now become one of Britain's most eligible bachelors after he embarked on a brutal fitness regime following his dad's death which saw him drop from 14 stone 6lb to just over 10-and-a-half stone. Sebastian swapped the beer and burgers belly for a rippling six-pack and was soon encouraged by those at his local gym to try out for bodybuilding competitions.



Please credit Cavendish/AndrewF.com hese amazing pictures show the transformation of a muscleman who went from bloated belly to bodybuilder in just seven months after ditching his £140-a-WEEK junk food habit. Sebastian David, 28, guzzled up to 5,000 calories each day in Greggs pasties, fry-ups and KFC chicken buckets while comfort eating to cope with his father's tragic diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease [MND] but the fire safety worker has now become one of Britain's most eligible bachelors after he embarked on a brutal fitness regime following his dad's death which saw him drop from 14 stone 6lb to just over 10-and-a-half stone. Sebastian swapped the beer and burgers belly for a rippling six-pack and was soon encouraged by those at his local gym to try out for bodybuilding competitions.

7想不到就在七個月的淬煉下,讓他從癡肥大叔的模樣轉變成健身型男。 8Sebastian透露:鍛鍊身材的初衷並不是要當模特兒或是參加健美比賽,而是想要讓自己變得更好。不過當自己的努力獲得到大家的肯定與關注後,實在是很開心,尤其媽媽更是對我從消極的狀態裡走出來備感欣慰。


未经允许不得转载:PLAY HARD ❤ » 長久靠吃排遣壓力的他吃出鮪魚肚來,不過就在父親逝世以後讓他化悲憤為動力…

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